A Masterclass in Facial Surgery
Neil Gordon 🇺🇸
28 e 29

Learn advanced techniques in Facial Plastic Surgery.
Join us on August 23rd and 24th for an exclusive opportunity to dive deep into the world of facial plastic surgery.
Live Deep Plane surgery performed by Professor Dr. Leandro Pellarin from São Paulo. Experience first-hand the complexities of this advanced surgical technique.
Specialized Lectures
Get valuable information in exclusive lectures with Dr. Lucas Patrocínio, Dr. Tomas Patrocínio and Dr. Jose A. Patrocínio on a variety of topics, including Frontoplasty, Otoplasty, Face Lifting, Hair Advancement, Blepharoplasty, Lip Lifting, Mentoplasty and much more.
Interactive discussion
Engage in an open dialogue with our faculty during a question and answer session. Discuss your doubts, share experiences and delve deeper into the nuances of the techniques presented.
Don't miss this unparalleled opportunity to expand your knowledge and improve your skills in facial plastic surgery. Reserve your spot now and embark on a journey to mastery with Rhinoface Academy.
Learn advanced techniques developed through years of experience in Facial Plastic Surgery.
Learn advanced techniques developed through years of experience in Facial Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Tomas Patrocinio
🔹 Otorrinolaringologista
🔹 Cirurgião Crânio-maxilo-facial
🔹 Doutorado pela FAMERP
🥇 Board Certified IBCFPRS
Facial Plastic Surgery

Dr. Jose A. Patrocinio
🔹 Otorrinolaringologista
🔹 Cirurgia Plástica Facial
🔹 Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço
🥇 Ex-Presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Rinologia e Plastica Facial

Dr. Lucas Patrocinio
🔹 Otorrinolaringologista
🔹 Cirurgia Plástica Facial
🔹 Cirurgião Crânio-maxilo-facial
🥇 Ex-presidente da Academia Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica da Face

Dr. Lessandro Martins

Dra. Elen De Masi

Dr. Gustavo Coelho

Dr. Vinícius Carlesso

Dra. Flavia Diniz

Dr. Gabriel Zorron
Dominate deeply
Facial Plastic Surgery
in a single event.
28 de Março
08:00-08:30 - Abertura - Jose A. Patrocinio
08:30-09:00 - Escaneamento facial e simulação cirúrgica em 3D - Gabriel Zorron
09:00-09:30 - Blefaroplastia superior e elevação de supercílio transpalpebral - Tomas Patrocinio
09:30-10:00 - Blefaroplastia inferior e terço médio - Jose A. Patrocinio
10:00-10:30 - Intervalo
10:30-11:00 - Brow lift is a bad word: treating the forehead with the endo/coronal technique - Neil Gordon
11:00-11:30 - Avanço capilar: manejo da linha capilar assimétrica - Lucas Patrocinio
11:30-12:00 - Elevação de terço médio sob visão direta - Lessandro Martins
12:00-12:30 - Cuidados clinicos: como melhor seus resultados no pré e pós operatório do rejuvenescimento facial - Flavia Diniz
12:30-13:30 - Almoço
13:30-14:00 - Deep plane: espaços anatômicos - Ellen De Masi
14:00-14:30 - The evolutionary, embryologic and clinical evidence supporting the deep plane rhytidectomy - Neil Gordon
14:30-15:00 - Deep plane: minha evolução - Lessandro Martins
15:30-16:00 - Depp plane rhytidectomy: evolution 1996-2024 - Neil Gordon
16:00-16:30 - Intervalo
16:30-17:00 - Mastoid Crevasse e pescoço - Gustavo Coelho
17:00-17:30 - Pearls from 27 yrs in a Deep-Plane Facelift Practice - Neil Gordon
17:30-18:00 - Dicas de gestão médica - Vinicius Carlesso
18:00-18:30 - Mesa Redonda
29 de Março
08:00-13:00 - Transmissão de cirurgia de Deep Plane ao vivo com Neil Gordon
Localização do Evento

Rua Natal, 1415 - Bairro Tibery
Uberlândia / MG
(34) 3221-1100
Exclusively for doctors:
Plastic Surgeons
Cranio-maxilo facials
Dois dias de imersão total em cirurgia plástica facial com os melhores especialistas.
Vagas limitadas!
Inscreva-se agora para não ficar de fora.
The Deep Plane
A Masterclass in Facial Surgery
Access to Rhinoface Academy:
✔️ Course: RHINO (Advanced Rhinoplasty Course)
✔️ Exclusive VIP group for questions and discussions on your day-to-day cases
✔️ 1-month Observational Fellowship
✔️ Rhinoface Academy Certificate
And you still get:
✔️ Free access to the Deep Plane Dynamics event: August 23rd and 24th in Uberlândia, with Deep Plane Surgery Live with Dr. Leandro Pellarin
✔️ Access to live recorded lectures
From R$ 7,990.00 per
R$ 6,990.00
R$ 1800,00
Alunos ativos na plataforma tem 50% de desconto.