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  • Who is the course aimed at?
    The course is aimed at: - Otorhinolaryngologists; - Plastic Surgeons; - Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgeons.
  • After purchasing the course, do I already have access to the classes or do you have a start date?
    You will have unlimited access to all content right after payment. Classes are recorded and you can watch any day and time, as many times as you want.
  • Is the follow-up of surgery daily? How is the schedule?
    We have surgeries practically every day, from Monday to Friday in the morning. The surgeries take place in the city of Uberlândia / MG.
  • When do I need to choose the visitation period?
    You will have one year to choose the period of your visit. Just book 1 month in advance.
  • How long do I have access to the platform after signing up?
    You will have 1 year of unlimited access to the entire content of the platform and you will be able to watch the classes as many times as you want, at any day and time.
  • What is the syllabus of the course? What is addressed?
    Some of the topics covered: - Nasal anatomy applied to rhinoplasty - Anesthesia for rhinoplasty - Preoperative assessment - Access routes and incisions - Subperichondrial / subperiosteal dissection - Grafts in rhinoplasty - Hyperprojected nose - Negroid nose - Children's Nose - Fissured Nose - Tensioning of the Lateral Crus - Nasal Rim Grafts - Nasal Valve - Nasal Dorsal Reduction - Nasal Dorsal Augmentation - Nasal Wing Surgery - Post-Operative Follow-up - Retouching in Rhinoplasty
  • What are the payment methods?
    You can pay with your credit card, bank slip or PIX. You can also pay in installments on 2 different credit cards if you prefer.
  • What is the language of classes?
    Classes are audio recorded in Portuguese and subtitled in English and Spanish.
  • How does the Fellowship program work?
    The Fellowship Program of the Clinica OTOFACE - Uberlândia Medical Center (UMC) in Plastic Surgery of the Face is a specialized complementation program for otorhinolaryngologists, in a post-residency format, with the objective of theoretical-practical improvement of the techniques for otorhinolaryngological and facial, plastic and reconstructive surgeries (such as rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, frontoplasty, orthognathic surgery, facial trauma, among others).
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